Publications & Preprints:

  1. Manifolds of Low Cohomogeneity And Positive Ricci Curvature DVI PDF with D. J. Wraith
  2. An Integral Formula for the Maslov-Index of a Symplectic Path DVI PDF
  3. Homotopy classes with small Jacobians DVI PS PDF
  4. A finite element computation of eigenvalues of elliptic partial differential operators on compact manifolds DVI PS PDF to appear in the Journal of Computational Analysis And Applications
  5. Stability of Natural Energy Functionals at Riemannian Submersions DVI PS PDF with Andreas Döring, to appear in the Tohoku Mathematical Journal
  6. Infima of Energy-type Functionals on Homotopy Classes DVI PDF PS to appear in Mathematische Nachrichten
  7. Infima, Factorization and Stability for Natural Energy Functionals DVI PS PDF prépublication IHES M/03/48
  8. Tension field and Index form of Energy-Type Functionals DVI PDF PS Glasg. Math. J. 45, no. 1, 117--122, 2003
  9. Bordism of regularly defective maps DVI PDF PS with Ulrich Riegel and Jörg Sixt, Mathematische Zeitschrift 245, 529-543, 2003
  10. The Local Defect Index up to Finite Ambiguity DVI PDF PS with Marco Hien, Topology and its Applications 119, 113-116, 2002
  11. Sets of Fibre Homotopy Classes and Twisted Order Parameter Spaces DVI PDF PS with Marco Hien, Commun. Math. Phys. 211, 407-412, 2000
  12. The Global Defect Index DVI PDF PS with Marco Hien, Commun. Math. Phys. 202, 403-409, 1999
  13. Manifolds Carrying Large Scalar Curvature DVI PS PDF Asian J. Math., Vol. 3, No. 2, 373-380, 1999
  14. The Computation of Eta-Invariants on Manifolds with Free Circle Action DVI PDF PS J. Funct. Anal. 174, No. 2, 251--263, 2000
  15. On The Eta-Invariant of Dirac Operators on Manifolds with Free Circle Action PS PDF Dissertation, Johannes Gutenberg-Universit\"at Mainz, 1993, Reihe Mathematik, Shaker Verlag
  16. Zur Diffeomorphieklassifikation der U(1)-Prinzipalfaserbündel über CPm x CPn Diplomarbeit, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, 1989

Lecture Notes:

  1. Steilkurs Algebraische Topologie DVI PS PDF
  2. Der Schubert-Zellkomplex der Grassmann-Mannigfaltigkeiten DVI PS PDF