Prize Winners 2011/12

Delort Prize for First Year Double Mathematics Kieran O'Reilly
McMahon Prize for Penultimate Year Mathematics Jack McDonnell
De Brún Prize for Final Year Mathematics Jane Breen
Lennon Prize for First Year Mathematical Studies James Fitzpatrick
Pamela Manly Prize for Second Year Mathematical Studies Robert McLoughlin
Denvir Prize for Honours Degree in Mathematical Studies James O'Malley
Boole Prize for the student obtaining the best result in Standard Mathematics in First Science Harlei Martin
Gauss Prize for the student obtaining the best result in Standard Mathematics in Second Science Sandra Murphy
Donaghy Prize for Third Year Applied Mathematics Amy Collins
Stokes Prize for Fourth Year Applied Mathematics Justine O'Sullivan
Hamilton Prize for the best penultimate year undergraduate mathematics student Alexei Kudryashov
Huxley Prize for the student obtaining the highest mark in the course "History of Mathematics" Jack McDonnell
Edgeworth Prize for Penultimate Year Statistics Jack McDonnell
Gosset Prize for Statistics in the B.A., B.Sc., or H.Dip. in Statistics Mark O'Connell