Department of Mathematics & Statistics Colloquia 2018/19

Time and Location: All colloquia take place on Wednesday at 4pm in MS2, Top Floor, Logic House, South Campus, Maynooth University, unless otherwise indicated.

Colloquium Organiser for the academic year 2018/19: Dr. Rafael De Andrade Moral

Past Seminars & Colloquia


Date Speaker Institution Title
18/07/18 Prof. Idemauro Lara University of São Paulo, Brazil Transition models and tests to assess stationarity
26/09/18 Dr. Mark Walsh Maynooth University Loops, Spheres and Scalar Curvature
03/10/18 Prof. Roderick Gow UCD André Darré: Maynooth lecturer in Mathematics and Science (1801-1813)
10/10/18 Prof. Anthony G. O'Farrell Maynooth University Boundary values of holomorphic distributions
17/10/18 Prof. John Hinde NUI Galway Over/Under-dispersion, zero -inflation and Poisson-Tweedie models
24/10/18 Prof. Virgilio Gómez-Rubio Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Inference on Bayesian hierarchical models with INLA and MCMC
07/11/18 Dr. Faustin Adiceam University of Manchester Recent advances related to the construction of dense forests
14/11/18 Dr. Philip Beeley University of Oxford Advancing the Public Good. A Seventeenth-Century Mathematical Life
21/11/18 Prof. John Cosgrave   Gauss factorials, and Gauss primes (joint work with Karl Dilcher)
28/11/18 Dr. Niamh Cahill UCD Using Bayesian modelling approaches to progress towards reaching targets for family planning.
05/12/18 Professor James Wilson Colorado State University Removing the grid from the grid of numbers
12/12/18 Dr. Klara Stokes Maynooth University Configurations of intersecting lines or circles
19/12/18 Dr. Hideyasu Shimadzu Loughborough University Investigating biodiversity change over time
06/02/19 Pavlos Kassotakis University of Cyprus Invariants in separated variables: Yang-Baxter and entwining maps
13/02/19 Professor Andrew Parnell Maynooth University Learning analytics and its potential application to Maynooth
Professor Nigel Ray University of Manchester Octonions and projective space: geometry without associativity
20/02/19 Professor Michael Fop UCD The infinite latent position cluster model for multivariate networks
27/02/19 Professor Merrilyn Goos University of Limerick Crossing Boundaries: Fostering Collaboration between Mahtematics Educators and Mathematicians in Initial Teacher Education Programs
06/03/19 Dr. Clifford Gilmore UCC The Dynamics of Linear Operators
13/03/19 Professor June Barrow-Green The Open University Mathematicians at War
27/03/19 Professor Simon Kristensen Aarhus University Arithmetic properties of series of reciprocals of algebraic integers
Dr. Mark Robinson Maynooth University Big Data Immunology: The growing impact of data science on immunology research
03/04/19 Professor Stephen Buckley Maynooth University Quasihyperbolic geodesics are hyperbolic quasigeodesics
10/04/19 Professor Catherine Goldstein CNRS, Institut de mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche, France Mathematics as an observational science: the case of Charles Hermite
24/04/19 Dr. John Ferguson NUI Galway Graphical representation and comparison of attributable fractions across multiple disease risk factors
Professor Byron Morgan University of Kent Forming multi-species indices: behind the scenes
01/05/19 Professor Radha Kessar City, University of London Rationality and finiteness in modular group representation theory
08/05/19 Dr. Mikael Fremling Utrecht University Detecting the onset of crystalline order using full counting statistics
Professor Clarice Demétrio University of São Paulo, Brazil Planning of experiments and the use of Hasse diagrams
22/05/2019 Professor Colm Mulcahy Spelman College One, Two, Many (or a dozen reasons why mathematics isn't as easy as 1,2,3)