Department of Mathematics & Statistics Colloquia 2016/17

Time and Location: All colloquia take place on Wednesday at 4pm in MS2, Top Floor, Logic House, South Campus, Maynooth University, unless otherwise indicated.

Colloquium Organiser for the academic year 2016/17: Dr. Lars Pforte


Date Speaker Institution Title
21/09/16 Professor Chris Brunsdon  NCG, Maynooth University The role of Mathematics in Geocomputation: Two examples
28/09/16 Dr. James O'Shea Maynooth University Pfister, round and group forms
05/10/16 Dr. Natalia Budarina Maynooth University Primitively universal quadratic forms
12/10/16 Dr. David Wraith Maynooth University Non-negative versus positive scalar curvature
19/10/16 Mr. Mark O'Connell Maynooth University Conditional visualisation for statistical models
26/10/16 Dr. Michael Hinz University of Bielefeld Analysis on metric measure spaces via energy
09/11/16 Professor Peter Sjögren University of Gothenburg and Chalmers A characterisation of the Gaussian Lipzchitz Space
16/11/16 Dr. Luigi Verdiani University of Florence Invariant metrics on cohomogeneity one Riemannian manifolds
23/11/16 Professor Gary McGuire UCD CANCELLED
30/11/16 Dr. Rachel Quinlan NUI Galway Partial matrices of constant rank
07/12/16 Dr. Fernando Galaz-Garcia Institute for Technology, Karlsruhe Topology and geometry of 3-dimensional Alexandrov spaces
14/12/16 Professor John Appleby DCU Blow-up, rapid growth and asymptotic behaviour in nonlinear differential systems: stochastic equations and numerical methods.
01/02/17 Dr. Anca Mustata UCC Symmetries, invariants and rational curves on the Dwork pencil
08/02/17 Professor Gary McGuire UCD Counting points on curves and irreducible polynomials over finite fields
15/02/17 Professor David Stifter Maynooth University How to conceptualise numbers in Old Irish ... and other languages
22/02/17 Dr. Nikos Georgiou Waterford Institute of Technology Submanifolds in the space of oriented geodesics in 3-dimensional real space forms
01/03/17 Dr David Malone Maynooth University Leaving cert points: Do the maths?
08/03/17 Professor Susanne Danz Catholic University Eichstätt Simple specht modules and signed young modules
22/03/17 Professor Caroline Series FRS University of Warwick The cover of the December AMS notices
29/03/17 Dr. Eugenio Giannelli University of Cambridge Restriction of characters to Sylow p-subgroups
05/04/17 Dr. Mark Dukes UCD Web diagrams: a combinatorial construct combining graphs and permutations
12/04/17 Professor Christoforos Neofytidis Binghamton University Aspherical manifolds and maps of non-zero degree
26/04/17 Professor Ken Duffy Maynooth University DNA coded randomized algorithms
03/05/17 Dr. Erla Sturludottir University of Iceland Marine ecosystem modelling: using an end-to-end model to test ecosystem models

Past Seminars & Colloquia